State Secretary Bakota lead the Croatian delegation at the meeting of the Mixed Committee for the distribution of diplomatic and consular assets

State Secretary at the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry Gordan Bakota lead the Croatian delegation in Belgrade, on June 24, 2005, at the meeting of the Mixed Committee for the distribution of diplomatic and consular assets

It has been agreed that the next meeting would be held in Sarajevo, at the end of September, when the succeeding countries would put forward their own priorities regarding the real estates and the selling of those real estates which are of no interest to any of the succeeding countries. It has also been agreed that a group of experts in charge of the distribution of the works of art should meet before the September meeting takes place. This is the first time after two years a meeting has been held, on which a procedure for the distribution of the diplomatic-consular assets of the former Yugoslavia has been re-established, priorities of the future actions determined, and dynamics of the future meetings agreed upon. The next Committee meeting will further discuss the actual distribution.

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