State Secretary Andrej Plenković received Belgian Ambassador to Croatia Marc de Schoutheete de Tervarent

State Secretary Plenković reported on Croatia’s efforts to close the accession negotiations and sign the Treaty of Accession in early 2011

State Secretary Plenković reported on Croatia’s efforts to close the accession negotiations and sign the Treaty of Accession in early 2011. He informed Ambassador de Tervarent about the activities in implementing the Communication Strategy on the EU membership advantages for the Croatian citizens.

Ambassador de Tervarent reiterated Belgium’s full political and operative support for the completion of the negotiations, saying that the Intergovernmental Conference should meet twice during the Belgian presidency, in November and December, when most of the negotiation chapters are expected to be temporarily closed.

The collocutors pointed out the importance of the EU Council’s conclusions, to be prepared in December by Belgium following the annual European Commission’s Croatia Progress Report.

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