State Secretary Andrej Plenković met with members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets and Committee on Budgetary Control

State Secretary Plenković talked to the representatives of the Committee on Budgets and Committee on Budgetary Control about the progress of accession negotiations of the Republic of Croatia with the European Union

State Secretary Plenković talked to the representatives of the Committee on Budgets and Committee on Budgetary Control about the progress of accession negotiations of the Republic of Croatia with the European Union and about all aspects of the enlargement policy. The discussed in more detail the negotiating aspects concerning Chapters 22 „Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments”, Chapter 11 „Agriculture and Rural Development“, and 33 „Financial and Budgetary Provisions “. European Parliament representatives were interested in Croatia’s preparations for Union membership in general, and they stressed a stronger role that would be played by the Parliament after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

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