Special Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe Erhard Busek...

During his visit to Croatia, Mr Busek was received by Croatian President Stjepan Mesić, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Minister of Interior Affairs Marjan Mlinarić, Minister for European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship Minister Branko Vukelic, Assistant Foreign Minister Tomislav Vidošević, Assistant Defence Minister Jelena Grčić Polić, President of the Parliamentary Committee for European Integrations Neven Mimica, and other high Croatian officials

During his visit to Croatia, Mr Busek was received by Croatian President Stjepan Mesić, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Minister of Interior Affairs Marjan Mlinarić, Minister for European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship Minister Branko Vukelic, Assistant Foreign Minister Tomislav Vidošević, Assistant Defence Minister Jelena Grčić Polić, President of the Parliamentary Committee for European Integrations Neven Mimica, and other high Croatian officials. Mr Busek also visited the Regional Arms Control Verification and Implementation Assistance (RACVIAC), a regional training centre that is a part of Croatia’s preparations for joining NATO. The meetings with Mr Busek discussed all aspects of regional co-operation, especially the democratisation process, across-border co-operation, return of refugees, education, energetics, further liberalisation of trade, the Investment Charter, the Sava Initiative, fighting corruption, smuggling and organised crime, and issues regarding the Stability Pact. It was agreed that the Sava Commission will be set up, the first international organisation in the region, with seat in Zagreb. Sponsored by the EU and Stability Pact, a Regional Conference on Democratisation and Across-Border Co-operation will be held in Croatia this year, as well as the Conference on the Southeast Europe Stock Exchange Co-operation, hosted by the Varaždin Stock Exchange, and the Conference of Business Advice Council, hosted by the Agrokor company.

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