- Published: 20.03.2003.
Republic of Croatia regrets that international efforts have failed to disarm Iraq of its weapons for mass destruction by peaceful and political means...

Republic of Croatia regrets that international efforts have failed to disarm Iraq of its weapons for mass destruction by peaceful and political means. The Croatian Government is disappointed that the Security Council has not shown enough unity required to take a more efficient action to achieve this objective which is legitimate in terms of international law.
Republic of Croatia is ready to take an active part only in an action authorised by the Security Council. At the same time, Croatia will honour its earlier assumed obligations agreed with the USA-led coalition forces. With regard to any operations in Iraq, Croatia calls for maximum restraint and taking all required precautions in order to avoid the suffering of civilians.
Republic of Croatia hopes that the duration of military operations will be as short as possible and they will be followed by a comprehensive reconstruction of Iraq. Croatia is prepared to fully contribute to the post-war reconstruction of Iraq, which, along with the economic component, should include a wide range of activities focused on developing democracy, the rule of law and human rights protection. Croatia will continue to fully meet its commitments arising from its UN membership and involvement in the International Anti-terror Coalition.