Regular political consultations held between delegations of Croatian MFAEI and Russian MFA

On Tuesday, 27 February 2007, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, regular political consultations were held between the delegation of the Croatian MFAEI, led by State Secretary for Political Affairs Hido Biščević, and the delegation of the Russian Federations’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led by Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the highly developed and friendly relations between Croatia and Russia, which was described as an important contribution by the two countries to the strengthening of the co-operation and dialogue within a wider European context and of special significance in view of the current processes in South East Europe. In accordance with the agreements between Foreign Minister Lavrov and Foreign Affairs and European integration Minister Grabar-Kitarović concluded during her official visit to Moscow in November 2006, the consultations also reviewed the areas of further immediate co-operation and activities, especially as regards legal and consular affairs.

The consultations primarily discussed economic co-operation and the two sides’ interests for it to continue to improve. Both sides described energy as an area of great potential within wider EU-Russian relations as well. The meeting also noted co-operation in infrastructural projects and improving the investment climate. Both sides agreed that preparations for the planned session of the Intergovernmental Mixed Commission for Economic-Trade and Scientific-Technical Co-operation need to be sped up.

The collocutors confirmed that the achieved level of the relations between the two countries, along with a further improvement of the economic co-operation, is a stimulation for the preparations for the visit by Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader to Moscow, as well as other high- and highest-level visits.

The meeting paid special attention to the current state of affairs and perspectives of the Kosovo issue as one of the priority issues in the European and international relations at the moment. Both sides pointed out the need for a measured, balanced and consistent action after the proposal put forth by UN Special Envoy for Kosovo M. Ahtisaari, so as to reach a satisfactory solution and enable a unique approach by the international community in the interest of a permanent stability in South East Europe.

The consultations also exchanged information about the course of Croatia’s accession to the Euro-Atlantic integration, and State Secretary Biščević informed the Russian side about the activities and events planned for Croatia’s SEECP presidency.

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