- Published: 18.03.2003.
Regular meeting of the members of the Temporary Working Group on Iraq was held...

Today afternoon, in the presence of Croatian Foreign Minister, Tonino Picula, a regular meeting of the members of the Temporary Working Group on Iraq was held. The Group has been acting within Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since January.
At the meeting, information about the situation in Iraq and Croatian activities regarding the crisis in the region was exchanged. It was emphasised that the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs analysed all aspects of the Iraqi crisis and collected information that had been sent to all relevant bodies in Croatia. This information includes texts from various foreign media and sources that give a broader view of the Iraqi crisis. The meeting also discussed the recent developments in the Middle East and the growing possibility of military intervention.
For the purposes of providing additional information about consular matters regarding the Iraqi crisis, a telephone line has been opened at the Consular Department of the Croatia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The number is 01/482 63 81.