Pusić took part in second Friends of Syria meeting

The meeting brought together representatives of more than 80 countries and organizations, including the United Nations, European Union, Arab League and African Union

The meeting brought together representatives of more than 80 countries and organizations, including the United Nations, European Union, Arab League and African Union. The participants harshly condemned the Syrian regime’s repression and called for the immediate implementation of Kofi Annan’s peace plan, which should end the violence, facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, open up political dialogue and launch the country’s democratic transition.

The meeting applauded the Syrian opposition’s efforts to create a democratic alternative to the existing regime. The opposition representatives and distinguished persons that had to leave the country reported on the widespread crimes and grave violations of human rights that are going on in Syria.

According to the UN data, more than 9000 people have lost their lives in Syria, while the Syrian opposition speaks of more than 135,000 refugees that have fled the country.

Minister Pusić underlined the importance of the international community’s engagement in Syria and the immediate execution of the peace plan by UN-Arab League Special Envoy Kofi Annan. She also stressed the importance of the Syrian opposition’s activities at home and abroad, adding that it should include in its ranks representatives of all ethnical and religious groups, whose rights have to be protected in the new and democratic Syria. She said Croatia was willing to join the international efforts, but expected that the foreign investors’ interests would be protected.

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