Pusić met with Bosnian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Zlatko Lagumdžija

Pusić said that Croatia saw Bosnia and Herzegovina as a partner with whom it shared a lot of interests, first and foremost the stability and prosperity of the region

Pusić said that Croatia saw Bosnia and Herzegovina as a partner with whom it shared a lot of interests, first and foremost the stability and prosperity of the region.

Croatia is Bosnia and Herzegovina’s only neighbour that will soon join the European Union, said Lagumdžija, underlining the importance of finding mechanisms to take advantage of Croatia’s accession experience. The two officials agreed that Bosnia and Herzegovina’s fast-tracking towards Euro-Atlantic integration was in Croatia’s best interest as well.

Pusić stressed the importance of launching and realizing cross-border infrastructure projects and other forms of cross-border cooperation. She also cited Croatia’s intention to find a solution after it joins the EU and leaves CEFTA to maintain the same level of trade with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The meeting also discussed establishing a bilateral commission to deal with outstanding issues between the two countries.

Pusić briefed Lagumdžija on the topics of this year’s Croatia Summit, which he had already been invited to, and which should focus on using Croatia’s EU accession experiences in institution building.

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