Pusić: Croatia continues to advocate NATO's open door policy

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić participated in the ministerial meeting of the US-Adriatic Charter held today in Podgorica

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić participated in the ministerial meeting of the US-Adriatic Charter held today in Podgorica.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the member states – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the United States – and observers from Serbia and Kosovo. In his opening address the host, Montenegrin Foreign Minister Igor Lukšić reviewed Montenegro’s presidency over the regional initiative, called for strengthening of regional cooperation within the A5 format and outlined Montenegro’s process in NATO accession. He stressed that Montenegro had successfully realised the three-year national plan within the framework of the MAP and continued to implement key reforms. "During its presidency of the US-Adriatic Charter, Montenegro promoted the region's contribution to general security and a stronger role of the Western Balkans as a reliable NATO partner," Lukšić said.

"This is a very important period not only for A5 and NATO but also for the countries of the region," Pusić said, underlining the importance of reforms for the stability of the region. She said that Croatia continued to advocate NATO's open door policy and that countries should be evaluated according to their respective progress. She reiterated Croatia's support for NATO membership of Montenegro and Macedonia.

Other participants too underlined the importance of regional cooperation in accordance with the Charter’s fundamental principles. They also adopted a declaration.

The meeting the end of Montenegro’s six-month presidency over the US-Adriatic Charter, which is to be taken over as of 1 January 2014 by Albania.

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