Pusić attended NATO foreign and defence ministers meeting in Brussels

Pusić stressed that Croatia wanted to help in educating women and girls in Afghanistan after the completion of the ISAF mission

The first day of the meeting, the ministers discussed the NATO-led ISAF and the revision of the Alliance’s system of defence against potential security threats. The working dinner saw the ministers talking about NATO’s relations with North Africa and the Middle East, as well as the relations between NATO and Russia. Also discussed was the region of Southeastern Europe.

On the second day, the NATO-Russia Council foreign ministers reviewed the existing security challenges and the practical cooperation between NATO and Russia. The two-day conference ended with a meeting between the foreign ministers of NATO members and foreign ministers of non-members participating in the ISAF.

On the margins of the conference, Pusić had several meetings, including those with Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

They discussed future participation of Croatian military and civilian representatives in Afghanistan after the international peace mission withdraws in 2014. Croatia currently has a 350-strong contingent in Afghanistan who are mainly involved in training Afghan forces.

Pusić stressed that Croatia wanted to help in educating women and girls in Afghanistan after the completion of the ISAF mission.

The role of NATO in Afghanistan after 2014 will be one of the topics of an alliance summit scheduled for 20 and 21 May in Chicago. NATO plans to withdraw the bulk of its 130,000 troops deployed in Afghanistan by the end of 2014, leaving security responsibilities to the Afghan security forces. The countries participating in the ISAF mission should finance part of the costs of the Afghan forces after they assume responsibility for their country.

Pusić said that the amount with which Croatia would financially support the Afghan forces after 2014 would be equal to the annual cost of sending three soldiers. “This is affordable for a mission that is of great importance to Croatia, as it defines in a way who we are and what we stand for”, concluded the minister.

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