Pusić and Mrak Taritaš: Returned aerial photos basis for more efficient implementation of laws

(Hina) Ministers Pusić and Mrak Taritaš said that the returned aerial photographs of Croatia from 1968 would provide the basis for a more efficient implementation of a whole series of laws

(Hina) First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić and Minister of Construction and Spatial Planning Anka Mrak Taritaš said at a press conference that the returned aerial photographs of Croatia dating back to 1968 would provide the basis for a more efficient implementation of a whole series of laws, not just ones pertaining to the legalization of illegally built objects.

Expressing satisfaction that this outstanding issue between Croatia and Serbia has been resolved, Pusić said that the previous summer 8000 photographs had been given back to Croatia, and now an additional 39,000. “This is a small step in political terms, but a big step for those who will be able to legalize their property based on those photographs,” said Pusić, who today handed over the photographs to Mrak Taritaš.

Stressing the importance of those photographs for the process of legalizing illegally built objects, Mrak Taritaš said they would provide the basis for a more efficient implementation of a number of other laws as well. “We are talking about a whole series of other laws that determine what was construction or agricultural land prior to 15 February 1968,” she said. What follows is a process of georeferencing, which should take about three months. After that, all citizens will be able to request to see their house, building or auxiliary objects as well as dimensions in 1968. “This will be the foundation for all other activities and a series of respective regulations,” said Mrak Taritaš, adding that the photographs would also serve agriculture and agricultural agencies for melioration and other projects. The photographs will be scanned and sent to Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia as well, as the entire legislature of former Yugoslavia was based on those photographs.

Asked about how many citizens would benefit from those photographs in terms of legalizing their property, Mrak Taritaš said that based on 880,000 legalization applications, is was estimated that “about 10% of applications will be processed immediately, while 20-30% applications come from those that have upgraded of modified their houses which were legal on 15 February 1968.”

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