Press Release regarding recent statements by Serbian high officials

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration once again reiterates that the war in former Yugoslavia, as well as the aggression against the Republic of Croatia, was the consequence of the Greater Serbia ideology and the Slobodan Milošević regime

Regarding the recent statements by Serbian high officials, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to state the following:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration once again reiterates that the war in former Yugoslavia, as well as the aggression against the Republic of Croatia, was the consequence of the Greater Serbia ideology and the Slobodan Milošević regime.

The Republic of Croatia did not lead an aggressive war, not did the Croatian soldiers fight on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, so there is no reason to apologize.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration deems that the Republic of Serbia and its officials should face the truth about their recent past and the role in the aggression against Croatia, as well as about the responsibility for the atrocious crimes committed on the Croatian territory. That is the precondition for any reconciliation and a basis for the development of good-neighbourly relations.

At the same time, the Republic of Croatia remains firm in its belief in the necessity of a better regional cooperation and the enhancement of the Croatia-Serbia relations, which are of the utmost importance for the peace and stability of this part of Europe.

The Republic of Croatia supports the European perspective of all of the countries of South Eastern Europe as the best guarantee of peace and stability. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to point out that Croatia, as a country on the verge of NATO and EU membership, is willing to share its experience with all of the countries in the region, which means the Republic of Serbia as well.

Press releases