Press release regarding announced US readiness to join EU Troika in direct Irani negotiations

Regarding the announced United States’ readiness to join the EU Troika in direct negotiations with Iran on the crisis issue of Iran’s processing and enrichment of nuclear fuel, the MFAEI wishes to welcome and support the US Administration’s commitment to solving this extremely important international security issue through political means

The readiness of the US to engage in direct negotiations Iran after more than a decade since the suspension of direct diplomatic communication offers hope in the solution of this sensitive issue of regional and international security. Direct US-Irani dialogue gives both countries the opportunity to review other mutual relations issues, which is of particular importance for the strengthening of peace, co-operation, and the democratic dialogue, especially in view of the current situation in the Middle East.

Taking into account the wider political importance of direct negotiations, the Republic of Croatia expects a sensible response by the Irani leadership and calls on the Teheran Government to ensure the conditions for a speedy opening of the dialogue in a spirit of trust and respect.

The Republic of Croatia welcomes the fact that this issue too confirms the irreplaceability of the US-EU co-operation, as well as the importance of the UN Security Council’s harmonised approach.

Press releases