Press release on the announcements by the MFA regarding the speeding up of the case of Damir Mikulić

In keeping with the previous announcements by the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the speeding up of the case of Damir Mikulić before the relevant committee, the Ministry has been informed today that Damir Mikulić was allowed to contact his family by phone

Despite all the efforts, the remains of Dalibor Burazović have not been transferred from the Mosul Forensic Institute even today. According to the U.S. sources, the reason for that was the institute’s director’s insistence on getting a special consent from the director general of the Iraqi Ministry of Health, Shakir Al-Aenachi. However, the American side has previously contacted the director general and was given his consent.

Therefore, the Croatian MFA issued an authorisation for the taking over of the remains. The Ministry also learned that the director general of the Iraqi Ministry of Health has tried to contact the director of the Mosul institute on several occasions, but with no result. The MFA is still trying to solve this problem through U.S. and Polish bodies. To that end, State Secretary at the MFA Gordan Bakota spoke on the phone with Iraqi Minister of Health Ali Il-Van who promised to do all he can. U.S. Ambassador to Croatia Ralph Frank has also been informed about the situation.

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