Press Release

Pusić informed the representatives that Croatia did not expect any obstacles in regard to the ratification of its EU accession treaty by the EU members

Pusić informed the representatives that Croatia did not expect any obstacles in regard to the ratification of its EU accession treaty by the EU members, especially given the progress in dealing with the border dispute with Slovenia.

She said that EU membership would bring Croatia long-term institutional stability and security and would create new opportunities for the national economy, pointing out that the government planned to use the process of adjustment to EU standards to develop new industries, primarily those relating to the environment, energy and transport.

The minister also said that Croatia would extend full support to its neighbours in their European integration, emphasizing the stabilising effect of EU membership on the countries of Southeast Europe.

The representatives of Fitch Ratings were also informed about measures the Croatian government was taking to attract investment, namely the reform of the tax system and public administration.

Assistant Minister fir European Affairs Hrvoje Marušić presented development possibilities that had been opened up in Croatia through the use of EU funds.

Press releases