Minister Pusić received Hungarian Ambassador to Croatia Gábor Iván

The two officials expressed satisfaction with the traditionally excellent and friendly relations

The two officials expressed satisfaction with the traditionally excellent and friendly relations between the two countries, as well as the cooperation in all the major issues of European and regional importance.

Pusić thanked Hungary for its support to Croatia during the Hungarian presidency of the EU in the first half of 2011, especially during the final stages of the negotiations. She added that Croatia was willing to assist the neighbours along their road to the EU with the knowledge and experience it had gained in the accession process.

Ambassador Iván congratulated Minister Pusić on her appointment to position and the positive outcome of the recent referendum on Croatia’s EU membership, describing it as a strong message for other countries in the region. He handed the minister the congratulations letter from Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi, along with the invitation to the official visit to Budapest, planned for the second half of this month.

Talking about economic cooperation, the two officials stressed the importance of stimulating investments, as well as the importance of cooperation in infrastructure development and energy.

The meeting also touched on the ongoing debate in the EU on the future Multiannual Financial Framework that defines the key principles and items for financing all of the Union’s policies and activities.

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