- Published: 01.10.2003.
On 28 September, a football festival “Croatia Cup” was held in Tokamachi...

On Sunday, 28 September 2003, a football festival “Croatia Cup” was held in Tokamachi, a Japanese city. The total of 43 teams participated in the contest in six categories (pre-school children, family teams, girls, juniors, seniors and youth teams) from the prefecture of Niigat. Mr. Drago Buvač, the Croatian Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Japan handed trophies of the Croatian Football Federation to the winners.
This first football festival in Tokamachi, city in
which the Croatian football representation trained during the World
Football Cchampionship in Japan in 2002 – was held on the ground called
“Croatia Pitch”, and it has been conceived to extend it to the participants
from Japan at large and to hold it each year. A delegation of the city
of Tokamachi plans to visit Croatia in October this year in order to
open a football school in this city, in cooperation with the Croatian
Football Federation.