- Published: 01.10.2003.
Ambassador Kuprešak inaugurated the “Croatian week in Romania”...

On 29 September 2003, Mr. Željko Kuprešak, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Bucharest, inaugurated the “Croatian week in Romania”.
The manifestation is organised by the Croatian Embassy in Bucharest, it will be held in the prestigious hotel Crown Plaza, and is open until 4 October 2003.
The manifestation was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the Chamber of Commerce of Rumania, Presidents of banks, representatives of Rumanian and foreign companies, members of diplomatic corps and representatives of media. The guests could see the exhibition of photographs of the Croatian Photo Association “Tradition - Window into Past, Mirrors into Future”, the exhibition area of the Croatian companies (Gavrilivić, Badel, Sardine-Postire, Lura, Kraš, Podravka, Adria-Zadar, SMS-Split, Braća Pivac-Vrgorac), taste Croatian food and listen to piano concert of the Croatian artist Vitomir Ivanjek. During the whole evening, films of the Croatian Tourist Community were shown and representatives of the Croatian minority in Rumania, dressed in national costume, drew the attention of guests.