Nineteen Afghan citizens arrive in Croatia

As a sign of European solidarity, the Republic of Croatia responded to the call of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and decided to accept 20 people...

As a sign of European solidarity, the Republic of Croatia responded to the call of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and decided to accept 20 people whose lives and security were endangered by the arrival of the Taliban regime.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior, all previously necessary actions were carried out, and on Saturday evening, August 28, a total of 19 Afghan citizens arrived at Zagreb Airport, including three families with children.

These people as well as members of their families supported the EU delegation in Kabul, and have previously passed all necessary security checks.

All of them expressed their intention to apply for international protection in the Republic of Croatia.

They were taken care of by employees of the Ministry of the Interior's Immigration Administration, and since there are as many as 10 minors among them, they will be accommodated in the Ministry of the Interior's accommodation facility for vulnerable groups, where they will be provided with all necessary conditions.

Due to the safety of these persons who are under the protection of the Republic of Croatia, we are not able to provide more information.

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