NEW YORK, Sept 25 (Hina) - Foreign Minister Vesna Pusić held talks in New York with her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on the margins of the UN General Assembly's session

The Pusić-Lavrov talks focused on the South Stream project, a proposed gas pipeline to transport Russian natural gas through the Black Sea to south and central Europe, as well as on the Croatian-Russian relations and the situation in the southeastern European region.

Recalling that the matters relating to the South Stream project should be dealt with within the European rules, Minister Pusić said that Croatia was interested to be included in the future route of that gas pipeline.

There is still no decision from Russia nor from the European Union, she added.

The two ministers also talked about plans for opening Croatia's consulate in Moscow and a Russian culture centre in Croatia and for the possibility of Croatia giving back 14 used helicopters to Russia and receiving 10 new ones.

They discussed the prospects of bilateral economic cooperation upon Croatia's entry into the European Union.

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