Ministers Božinović, Grlić Radman participate in videoconference on migration

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman participated on Monday in an informal videoconference of EU foreign affairs and interior ministers on migration

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman participated on Monday in an informal videoconference of EU foreign affairs and interior ministers on migration, with an emphasis on the external aspects.

The Croatian ministers welcomed the efforts to tie the migration issue with other EU policies and instruments through the new Pact on Migration and Asylum.

“It is crucial to strengthen adapted partnerships with the countries of origin, transit and destination, as well as to stimulate a stronger engagement on their part in addressing the migratory challenges. For Croatia, it is important to focus on countries in Europe’s neighbourhood, notably the Western Balkans, Middle East and Africa, as well as on countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh,” Grlić Radman said.

A more efficient approach to migration necessitates utilizing all the available tools, such as development cooperation, Common Security and Defence Policy, visa policy, trade, agriculture, investment, economy, energy, climate and education. Croatia welcomes in particular a more effective usage of visa policy to ensure return and readmission.

Božinović welcomed the strengthening of cooperation with crucial third countries, notably the countries of Southeast Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, from which migrants gravitate towards the EU. He commended the proposal to boost police cooperation in order to more effectively curb smuggling networks and determine migrant identities. He supported improved implementation of return procedures for migrants who have not earned the right international protection, i.e. entering and staying in the EU and Schengen Area, underscoring that without it, it would be impossible to implement border procedures and prevent secondary movements as important guidelines of a sustainable European migration and asylum policy. Božinović also advocated strengthening cooperation with third countries on legal migration as a regular gateway to employment and gaining additional knowledge and skills that legal migrants would be able to utilize upon return to their home country.

In addition, the deputy prime minister underscored that Croatia still placed primary focus on cooperation with Southeast European countries, notably Bosnia and Herzegovina. “It is crucial to strengthen border, asylum and reception capacities of all the countries of Southeast Europe, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina.” He advocated setting up reception centres at entry points instead of close to EU’s external border and welcomed signing and ratifying status agreements with Frontex as soon as possible.


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