- Published: 31.07.2015.
Minister Pusić sends letter to Arbitration Tribunal

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić sent a letter to the Arbitration Tribunal today, informing the latter of the fact that the Government of the Republic of Croatia had concluded that the arbitration process...
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić sent a letter to the Arbitration Tribunal today, informing the latter of the fact that the Government of the Republic of Croatia had concluded that the arbitration process in the dispute over the border between Croatia and Slovenia had been irreversibly compromised, which rendered the Arbitration Tribunal unable to reach an impartial verdict, regardless of the changes to its composition which had followed the resignation of the Slovene arbiter, who, in cooperation with the Slovene agent before the court, had acted unlawfully, unethically and in opposition to the manner in which arbiters and representatives of countries must act and perform.
The letter also emphasizes that the Croatian Parliament had reached a unanimous conclusion by which it had obliged the Government of the Republic of Croatia to initiate the procedure to end the Arbitration Agreement because of an essential violation of provisions crucial for the fulfillment of the purpose of the Agreement, which concern the confidence and impartiality Croatia had expected from the judges during their execution of the serious task set before them.
In the letter to the Court, minister Pusić has also pointed out that, in line with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the Republic of Croatia had notified the Republic of Slovenia that conditions had been met for the cessation of the Arbitration Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia due to an essential breach of the provisions of the Agreement and that the Republic of Croatia had informed the Republic of Slovenia of the fact that it Croatia ceased to apply the Arbitration Agreement, about which the Secretary General of the United Nations had also been informed.