Minister Pusić received outgoing Irish Ambassador to Croatia Thomas Brady

Bilateral relations were described as very good, and the Croatian side expressed interest in Ireland opening its embassy in Zagreb

Bilateral relations were described as very good, and the Croatian side expressed interest in Ireland opening its embassy in Zagreb, which would further intensify the cooperation between the two countries.

Pusić thanked Brady for his personal engagement during his term and Ireland for its support to Croatia during the EU accession process. She expressed hope that Ireland would ratify Croatia's EU accession treaty as soon as possible.

Brady voiced full support for Croatia's joining the European Union, saying he was confident that his country would ratify the Croatian treaty soon, as there was no political obstacle in Ireland that could affect it.

The meeting also focused on the current economic and financial situation in the EU, and information was exchanged on measures taken by the governments in Croatia and Ireland to cut budget expenditure.

Pusić informed Brady about this year's traditional holding of Croatia Summit, adding that Irish representatives were expected to attend as well.

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