Minister Pusić: negotiations on LB are not slowing down

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 18 February attended a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 18 February attended a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. The ministers discussed the Eastern Partnership, upcoming Vilnius summit, situation in Mali and Syria, as well as sanctions against Zimbabwe. 

Asked about Ljubljanska Banka, Pusić said that the financial experts had completed their task and that the two countries were close to agreeing on a solution the content of which would not be changed, even though Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec had withdrawn from negotiations. Asked whether negotiations were slowing down, Pusić said it was possible to close them only when both sides concurred on the content of the agreement. 

As for Slovenia’s new negotiator Tone Kajzer, the state secretary in Prime Minister Janez Janša’s cabinet, Pusić said she expected to speak him later in the day and arrange a meeting later this week.


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