Minister Picula met Mr. Mircea Geoana, the MFA of Romania...

On 15 May 2003, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Tonino Picula, met the MFA of Romania, Mircea Geoana, on the margins of 122th Meeting of the CoE Committee of Ministers. ON this occasion, both ministers confirmed the good cooperation between the two states, reinforced by identical foreign policy goals on their way to join the EU and NATO.

Minister Picula said that the good bilateral cooperation between both countries was a part of the preparations for joining the EU. Romanian MFA welcomed the efforts of Croatia to join the EU, supported signing the Adriatic Charter, and announced with pleasure the pending visit of the President of Romania to Croatia.

Both sides emphasised their wish to cooperate in strategic projects, particularly in the development of energy supply, commodity exchange, and tourism. They also discussed the cooperation within the Danube process with a view of strengthening the economy in both states.

In connection with the topics related to the Council of Europe they emphasised the importance of the oldest democratic organisation in Europe and expressed their support for the Third Summit of the Council of Europe. Romanian MFA said his country was interested in hosting the event, which needs to be discussed with Poland as the other candidate. He also made a proposal that when the term in office of the current Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Schwimmer, has expired the countries of Central and Southeast Europe should submit a “regional” candidacy for the vacancy.

Minister Picula renewed the invitation to Romania to participate in the upcoming meeting of the Working Tables and of the Regional Table of the Stability Pact scheduled in Cavtat on 26 and 27 May of the current year.

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