Minister Picula held a lecture at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb...

In the lecture on the achievements of the Croatian foreign policy held on 7 May 2003 at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb, Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister, emphasised the path that the Republic of Croatia passed in less than three years towards the membership in the EU as its strategic priority and pointed out the importance of fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria.

“Our interest must be a proactive regional policy” considering the complexity of the situation in South-eastern Europe, the Croatian Foreign Minister said while adding that regional cooperation is one of the main shortcuts toward strategic goals of the Croatian foreign policy: membership in the EU and NATO.

While talking on the return of refugees, Minister Picula pointed out that among refugees, there are those who do not wish to return to Croatia, nor to stay in Serbia, but who wish to go to third countries, while Europe does not want another refugee wave.

Despite problems it has inherited, Croatia can face challenges and be partner to those it wishes to be, Minister Picula concluded and substantiated it with the open support of the international community and the achievements of the Croatian foreign policy during the past three years: the conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, admission of the Republic of Croatia to the Partnership for Peace, the World Trade Organisation, full membership in CEFTA and other.

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