Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration open series of seminars entitled The Strengthening of Negotiation Strategies and Planning

Organised by the Diplomatic Academy of the MFAEI, in co-operation with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a donator and the Croatian Central State Office for Administration as the project’s bearer, opened on Thursday 6 April 2006 the series of seminars entitled The Strengthening of Negotiation Strategies and Planning

The series of seminars were opened by Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, acting as the Head of the State Delegation for the EU Accession Negotiations.

The seminar is the result of the co-operation based on the Agreement on the Program between the Croatian Government and the Danish Government on the general terms of conducting the Danish Pre-Accession Assistance to Croatia for 2005-2007.

The two-day series of seminars are organised in four modules: The Strategic Planning of the Negotiations Process and Forming Strategic Alliances with the EU Members, Forming the Negotiating Positions, The Methodological Approach to Forming the Negotiating Positions, and Incorporating the EU Thematic into High Education – Educating the Students for State Administration in the Context of the EU Membership.

The seminars are designed for the Croatian State Delegation for the EU Accession Negotiations, the Co-ordination for the EU Accession Negotiations, the Negotiating Team, the National Board for the Monitoring of the Negotiations, heads of the working groups, the academic community, and the representatives of the Croatian political and economic circles taking part in the process of Croatia’s joining the EU.

The lecturers include the Lithuanian former Chief Negotiator and currently the Deputy Counsellor of the Lithuanian Government for European Affairs, Petras Austrevicius, and two other distinguished Lithuanians – Darius Zeruolis, Deputy Secretary of the Lithuanian Government for European Affairs, and Klaudijus Maniokas, former Deputy Chief Negotiator for Lithuania’s EU Accession.

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