Minister Grlić Radman meets with Vice-Chair of BiH House of Peoples Dragan Čović

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Tuesday met with the Vice-Chair of the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Parliamentary Assembly, Dragan Čović

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Tuesday met with the Vice-Chair of the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Parliamentary Assembly, Dragan Čović.

The talks focused on the current political situation in BiH – the recent elections in Mostar, held for the first time in 12 years, and the efforts of the legitimate representatives of Bosnian Croats to keep their status of a constituent nation, guaranteed by the country’s constitution.

Čović informed Grlić Radman about the irregularities observed at the recent local elections in Mostar, which had severely undermined their democratic character. He also spoke about the steps he took to inform the highest international political representatives about said irregularities and their possible impact on further deterioration of the political situation and relations between the peoples of BiH. In addition, he told Grlić Radman that the implementation of the agreement on changes to the Election Act concluded with Izetbegović on 17 June 2020 under the auspices of international community representatives had come to a halt.

Grlić Radman underscored that the Croatian Government and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs unconditionally supported legitimate political demands of the legitimate political leadership of Bosnian Croats. He added that meeting those demands would undoubtedly contribute to the stabilization and functionality of the country, and thus its Euro-Atlantic perspectives and ambitions.

Finally, Grlić Radman reiterated that the realization of the constitutionally guaranteed equality of Bosnian Croats would remain one of Croatia’s political priorities.


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