Minister Grlić Radman meets with Swiss counterpart Ignazio Cassis

Croatian and Swiss Foreign Ministers Gordan and Ignazio Cassis, who held a meeting in Dubrovnik on Friday, said that their countries support Ukraine, offer assistance in demining of that country and condemn Russia's war of aggression against that eastern European country.
Grlić Radman welcomed the Swiss initiative to organise a peace conference in June and a conference on demining of Ukraine in October.
"Clearing the country of mines is a recondition for post-war reconstruction, and Croatia has a great experience in that. Switzerland was a country-partner of the 20th international conference on demining in Cavtat, said the Croatian minister.
The stability of the Western Balkans is in the interest of both countries, and the stability could be supported through the opening of the EU accession negotiations which Croatia strongly advocates, said he.
Regarding the Croatian-Swiss relations and cooperation, Grlić Radman mentioned a few historical figures who connected the two countries in the cultural and scientific fields in the past.
Grlić Radman noted a rise in the number of Swiss travellers visiting Croatia every year.
Minister Ignazio Cassis underscored the two countries' engagement in the demining of Ukraine and in preparations for its post-war renewal.
Croatia has a huge experiences in that. We plan to hold an international conference of heads of government on a peace process. There is no magic wand, but that is supposed to be a beginning, the Swiss minister said.
Text: Hina/MVEP

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