Minister Grlić Radman informs government about earthquake relief to date

Minister Grlić Radman informed the government at its 35th session on Monday about the activities of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs aimed at assisting the earthquake-hit areas of Sisak-Moslavina County

Minister Grlić Radman informed the government at its 35th session on Monday about the activities of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs aimed at assisting the earthquake-hit areas of Sisak-Moslavina County.

Grlić Radman said that the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, along with the entire consular and diplomatic network, was involved in informing foreign countries and organizations about the devastating aftermath of the earthquakes that had struck central Croatia. Croatia’s diplomatic missions and consular offices have published contact information for material aid inquiries and the account number for financial donations. The same information has been forwarded to foreign diplomatic offices in Croatia.

Within the ministry proper, a group was formed to coordinate the collection of foreign aid, which cooperates closely with the Croatian Civil Protection Authority and all the relevant actors at home and abroad.

Grlić Radman stressed that this unforeseen situation had once again underscored the advantages of EU membership. As part of the Civil Protection Mechanism, many member states reacted within the first 24 hours by sending urgent humanitarian aid. It has also been confirmed that Croatia will be able to count on financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund for post-earthquake reconstruction.

The minister also expressed gratitude to numerous countries in Croatia’s neighbourhood and across the world who had offered financial or humanitarian assistance.

In addition, Grlić Radman thanked the associations of Croats abroad, including parish communities, who had gathered substantial financial means. Representatives of foreign investors as well as numerous private entities, companies and foreign associations have also joined the display of solidarity and financial contributions. 

Lastly, the minister underlined that the Croatian Foreign Service was continuing to coordinate aid collection through international contacts.


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