Minister Grlić Radman: EU ministers support Israel, announce talks on crisis in Belarus

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman attended an informal meeting of the European Union in the Gymnich format

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman attended an informal meeting of the European Union in the Gymnich format, named after a castle in Germany where in 1974 the first such meeting was held and has been held twice a year since.

“EU foreign ministers supported in Berlin on Thursday Israel’s policy in the Middle East, expressed solidarity with Greece and Cyprus over the crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and announced talks on the crisis in Belarus and relations with Russia,” Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman said.

“We talked with Israeli Minister Gabriel Ashkenazi about the Middle East peace process and the broader region. We welcomed the agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Israel as an important step forward in the normalisation of relations in the region,” Grlić Radman said, adding that the EU welcomes the efforts Israel has been making in the region.

The minister was referring to a historic agreement whereby the two countries in mid-August normalised their relations.

Under the agreement, Israel suspended plans to annex parts of the West Bank and the UAE has become the third Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, after Egypt did so in 1979 and Jordan 1994.

Situation in Belarus and Mediterranean

In the continuation of their two-day meeting, the ministers will also discuss the situation in Belarus, with which they "are not satisfied", said Grlić Radman.

"We will discuss the way and measures that will contribute to calming down tension and exerting influence on the authorities in Belarus."

He recalled that the EU had allocated €53 million for democratic forces and civil society in Belarus, expressing hope that those measures would contribute to a better life of Belarusian citizens and the establishment of a democratic regime.

The Gymnich meeting will also discuss relations between the EU and Turkey and the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, marked by tension between Athens and Ankara over territory rich in energy reserves.

“All member-states express solidarity with Greece and Cyprus and are trying to defuse the existing tension,” the minister said, concluding that Turkey is an important member of NATO and that a solution will be found that will satisfy all sides.

On the second day of their meeting, EU foreign ministers will discuss relations between the EU and Russia.

(Text: Hina)


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