Minister Grlić Radman attends joint session of European affairs, foreign affairs committees

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Friday presented to the Croatian Parliament a report by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on the Council of the EU meetings of 22 March and 19 April, as well as Croatia’s position on the 2020 Enlargement Package

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Friday presented to the Croatian Parliament a report by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on the Council of the EU meetings of 22 March and 19 April, as well as Croatia’s position on the 2020 Enlargement Package.

“The meeting of 22 March discussed two topics – the Southern Neighbourhood and Turkey, but briefly reflected on a number of other topical matters as well, including the Western Balkans, Russia, Georgia, Venezuela, Myanmar, Ethiopia and the sanctions regime,” said the minister, adding that he also presented Croatia’s initiative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. “I explained to my colleagues the main goal of the initiative – a European approach to Bosnia and Herzegovina and helping the country achieve political stability and institutional functionality. This will help Bosnia and Herzegovina get the EU candidate status and make the country’s European journey and implementation of reforms easier to the benefit of all its citizens, especially youth,” underlined Grlić Radman, adding that amending the election law was crucial for ensuring legitimate institutional representation.

The main topics of the meeting of 19 April were the situation in Ethiopia and Ukraine, while the planned discussion on the Western Balkans was pushed back for 10 May. “We agreed to continue with the humanitarian efforts and actively engage in creating conditions for the launching of political process and the investigation of crimes and human right violations,” said the minister, relaying the EU’s conclusions on Ethiopia. “Regarding Ukraine, we expressed concern over Russia’s activities along the border and in Crimea, and underscored the importance of diplomatic efforts in de-escalating the tension,” he said.

“I will place an emphasis on Bosnia and Herzegovina and inform my colleagues about my recent visit to Sarajevo. I will also highlight the elements of Croatia’s initiative, joined by five other member states, and speak about the importance of internal stability and functionality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and how to help the country achieve it,” said Grlić Radman, announcing that the discussion on the Western Balkans in May will focus on the enlargement process and the situation in BiH.

“At the meeting of the foreign ministers of the Berlin Process participating countries held in November 2020, Croatia welcomed the adoption of the Plan as we believe it will stimulate economic growth and speed up the economic convergence of the Western Balkans with the EU. I would also like to point out that the Zagreb Declaration underlined the importance of deepening the economic integration in the region. The Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans is an important part of these countries’ European journey,” said the minister, outlining the 2020 Enlargement Package.

After the presentation, Grlić Radman answered questions from the MPs, followed by an adoption of the Report and the Position.


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