Minister Grabar-Kitarović participated in 14th meeting of National EU Accession Forum on “Lifelong Education of Agricultural Manufacturers and Rural Population”

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović participated in the 14th meeting of the National EU Accession Forum on “Lifelong Education of Agricultural Manufacturers and Rural Population”, held 28 May 2007 in Beli Manastir

In her opening presentation, Minister Grabar-Kitarović, speaking about the lifelong education and its importance, pointed out that in 2000 the European Council confirmed the lifelong education as the leading principle of the new economy, economy based on knowledge (the Lisbon Agenda). She stressed its importance in all branches of economy, namely agriculture and rural development, pointing out that through access to knowledge and information, the Croatian farmers will be able to more efficiently use the numerous opportunities and possibilities the European Union offers.

The National Forum in Beli Manastir was, along with Minister Grabar-Kitarović, opened by Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Petar Čobanković. Minister Čobanković emphasized the importance of lifelong education within the context of the European’s Union transition to an economy based on knowledge, adding that in the coming period relevant bodies will need to work together on formal and informal education in all segments of agriculture.

The participants were greeted by the mayor of Beli Manastir, Davorin Bubalović, and on behalf of Head of the EC Delegation to Croatia Vincent Degert by Delegation’s Counsellor David Hutson. The Forum discussed the opportunities for and possibilities of a lifelong education of agricultural manufacturers, the legal framework for lifelong education in Croatia and the EU, as well as the educational programs for the lifelong education of farmers.

The 14th meeting of the National Forum saw the participation of the representatives of the state administration, local government and self-government, representatives of numerous agricultural associations and co-operatives, universities, polytechnics, open universities, agricultural high schools, media, and other interested relevant groups and citizens.

The National EU Accession Forum is an initiative by MFAEI whose aim is to raise the Croatian public’s familiarity with Croatia’s EU accession process and spark a public debate on the subject in all parts of the Croatian society.

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