Minister Grabar-Kitarović on visit Lichtenstein, met with Hereditary Prince Alois von und zu Lichtenstein, Prime Minister Otmar Hasler, Foreign Minister Rita Kieber-Beck

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, during her one-day official visit to the Principality of Lichtenstein, met on 29 January 2007 in Vaduz with Hereditary Prince Alois von und zu Lichtenstein, Prime Minister Otmar Hasler, and Foreign Minister Rita Kieber-Beck

During the meeting between Minister Grabar-Kitarović and Minister Kieber-Beck, both sides confirmed the existence of very good and friendly relations between the two countries, expressing a wish for further comprehensive intensification of the co-operation.

As regards the bilateral relations, both sides commended the upward trend in the development of the co-operation and stated a wish for the development of the economic, cultural and tourist co-operation in those areas where there is room for its further strengthening. Concrete steps have been taken in that sense as a result of the two ministers’ meeting in 2006, during Minister Kieber-Beck’s official visit to Croatia. Described as exceptionally successful were the two presentations about Croatia held last year in Lichtenstein – the presentation by the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency about the possibilities of investing in Croatia, and the tourist presentation held by the Croatian National Tourist Board. The two ministers also discussed organising respective culture exhibitions in Croatia and Lichtenstein, in regards to which expert-level meetings were suggested, to be held between the representatives of Croatia and Lichtenstein for the purposes of realising these projects.

The two ministers exchanged opinions about the Euro-Atlantic integration processes and the current state of affairs in South East Europe, whereby Minister Grabar-Kitarović noted Croatia’s current presidency over the South-East European Co-operation Process (SEECP). The two also exchanged opinions regarding the development of co-operation within CEFTA.

Part of the meeting referred to the co-operation within multilateral organisations. In the context of co-operation within the UN, Minister Kieber-Beck confirmed the support to Croatia’s candidacy for non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council for the 2008-2009 period. Minister Grabar-Kitarović expressed her satisfaction with and a wish for further intensification of the co-operation within the multilateral organisations like the Council of Europe and OSCE, which both countries are taking part in.

During the meeting with Prime Minister Otmar Hasler, both sides described the relations between the two countries as very good, friendly and constantly growing stronger. Minister Grabar-Kitarović familiarised Prime Minister Hasler with Croatia’s foreign policy priorities – full EU and NATO membership, and informed him about the details concerning those processes. Minister Grabar-Kitarović expressed satisfaction with her first officials visit to Lichtenstein, following Minister Kieber-Beck’s visit to Croatia in May 2006.

The meeting between Hereditary Prince Alois von und zu Lichtenstein and Minister Grabar-Kitarović saw the exchange of opinions about the relations between the two friendly countries, with both sides expressing a wish for the continuation of the quality co-operation. The meeting’s topics included Euro-integration processes, namely Croatia’s EU and NATO accession, as well as the news about the political and economic affairs in South East Europe.

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