Minister Grabar- Kitarović met with EC’s Chief Negotiator Fabrizio Barbaso

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar- Kitarović met today, 11 November 2005, with the Chief Negotiator of the European Commission, Fabrizio Barbaso

Chief Negotiator Barbaso presented the highlights from the Report on Croatia’s progress in acceding to the EU, published by the European Commission on 9 November 2005.

Minister Grabar- Kitarović expressed her satisfaction with the fact that the EC in its Report positively reviewed Croatia’s progress in meeting the Copenhagen criteria and harmonising its legislature with the acquis communitaire. She also pointed out that the guidelines from the European partnership will help Croatia better direct its efforts in fulfilling the EU membership criteria.

Speaking about the co-operation in the region, Minister Grabar- Kitarović said that Croatia will continue to strengthen its regional bilateral relations, pointing out the need for all sides to show equal readiness and dedication in solving the remaining open issues. She especially emphasized Croatia’s continual efforts in implementing the refugee return programs, so that in co-operation with the neighbouring countries and international organisations that process could be finalized within the foreseen deadline.

Speaking of the employment issues in the war-stricken areas, Minister Grabar- Kitarović pointed out that it equally affects all citizens, and that Croatia hopes that through the EU funds and a stronger foreign, especially European investment, that problem will be successfully solved.

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