Minister Grabar-Kitarović handed scholarships to Croatian expatriate high school and university students

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović handed on 25 April 2007 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration 2006/2007 scholarships to the Croatian expatriate high school and university students

The Ministry has awarded a total of 389 scholarships for the 2006/2007 school and academic year, of which 340 to university and 49 to high school students.

Based on the Rule Book on High School and University Scholarships, the MFAEI awards scholarships to the Croatians abroad, i. e. Croatians born abroad or those who have lived abroad for at least five years, and have returned to Croatia in the last five years.

For said scholarships, the Croatian National Budget has allocated 34 mil. kuna in 2006. Monthly payments for each calendar year are determined in accordance with the available financial resources, and for the running year total 500,00 kuna for high school and 700,00 kuna for university students.

The scholarship competition saw a total of 762 applications, which is 674 less than the last year, when 1409 candidates applied for scholarship.

Apart from said scholarships, and based on the Rule Book on Allowances for Croatian Language Learning in Croatia for the Croatians Abroad, the MFAEI covers the scholarship expenses for the two semesters of the Croatian language course held for said category. The course is being held at the Zagreb Faculty of Arts – CROARICUM, and the Split Faculty of Arts – CROATICA. In the 2006/2007 academic year, a total of 113 attendees are attending the Croatian language course.

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