Minister Gordan Jandroković received on an inaugural visit Ambassador of Canada to the Republic of Croatia Edwin Loughlin

The collocutors expressed pleasure with the excellent bilateral relations between the two states, which are accompanied by mutual high level visits, such as, for example, the recent official visit to the Republic of Croatia of Governor General of Canada Michaelle Jean

The collocutors expressed pleasure with the excellent bilateral relations between the two states, which are accompanied by mutual high level visits, such as, for example, the recent official visit to the Republic of Croatia of Governor General of Canada Michaelle Jean.

They also mentioned the decision adopted earlier this year by the Canadian Government lifting visa requirements for the Croatian citizens, thus eliminating the last obstacle to complete and free mutual communication between the two states. The collocutors described this decision as an important step forward in the bilateral relations between Croatia and Canada, primarily underlining its contribution to further strengthening of economic relations.

In the meeting they also discussed the upcoming official visit of Minister Jandroković to Canada next month, when he will meet with high Canadian officials, representatives of the Croatian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and the Croatian community in Canada. The focus of the talks during the visit will be on the positive and growing trends in the bilateral relations between Croatia and Canada, cooperation in NATO, further improvement of economic cooperation, and the situation in South East Europe.

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