Minister Gordan Jandroković met with President of Croatian National Council in Serbia Branko Horvat and President of Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina Petar Kuntić

The collocutors talked about the Serbian National Councils Act, which came into force September 2009 and pursuant to which all of the minority communities registered in Serbia have to organize elections for national councils, including the Croatian minority’s elections for the Croatian National Council

The collocutors talked about the Serbian National Councils Act, which came into force September 2009 and pursuant to which all of the minority communities registered in Serbia have to organize elections for national councils, including the Croatian minority’s elections for the Croatian National Council. The elections are preceded by registering into special electoral rolls for national minorities, conducted until March 9th 2010 in all of Serbia’s municipalities.

President of the Croatian National Council Horvat and President of the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina Kuntić informed Minister Jandroković about the activities aimed at gathering as much Croatian minority signatures for the electoral rolls as possible. Thy also familiarized him with the current status of the Croatian minority in Serbia, especially the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, stating that according to the last census from 2002, there are 70,602 Croats living in the Republic of Serbia.

Minister Jandroković said that Croatia would continue to advocate the protection of the rights and interests of the Croatian national minority, as well as promote the cooperation with the Republic of Serbia.

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