Minister Gordan Jandroković met with Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb

Minister Jandroković described the Croatian-Finnish relations as very good and friendly, with no outstanding issues, adding that the significant development of the bilateral relations in the past two years had been augmented by the both sides’ readiness to promote economic, cultural and scientific cooperation

Minister Jandroković described the Croatian-Finnish relations as very good and friendly, with no outstanding issues, adding that the significant development of the bilateral relations in the past two years had been augmented by the both sides’ readiness to promote economic, cultural and scientific cooperation.

Minister Jandroković informed his Finnish counterpart about the course of Croatia’s EU accession, adding that, conclusive with the last Intergovernmental Conference in December 2009, Croatia had opened a total of 28 negotiation chapters, 17 of which had been temporarily closed. Ministers Jandroković and Stubb expressed conviction that Croatia would successfully complete the technical part of the negotiations soon.

Minister Jandroković took the opportunity to thank the Republic of Finland for its full support for the EU enlargement in general and Croatia’s accession in particular, as evident among other things in the 13 twinning projects.

Talking about the economic cooperation, which was described as expanding, the ministers singled out tourism, direct investment, shipbuilding, energy and science.

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