Minister Gordan Jandroković met on margins of UN General Assembly 65th session with Irish Foreign Minister Micheàl Martin

The ministers expressed satisfaction with the high level of bilateral relations between Croatia and Ireland, unburdened by outstanding issues

The ministers expressed satisfaction with the high level of bilateral relations between Croatia and Ireland, unburdened by outstanding issues, as well as with the regularity of high-level visits and interdepartmental cooperation. Minister Jandroković once again invited his counterpart to officially visit Croatia.

Familiarizing Minister Martin with the current status of Croatia’s EU talks, Minister Jandroković expressed hope in their closure early the following year and Croatia’s signing the Treaty of Accession during Hungary’s EU presidency in the first half of 2011. He also emphasized that Croatia appreciated Ireland’s continuous support along its road to the EU and thanked for Ireland’s pre-accession assistance, primarily in managing the EU fund resources, agriculture, and public administration reform.

Talking about the economic cooperation, Minister Jandroković commended the Irish model of attracting foreign investment and invited Irish businessmen to invest in Croatia. He presented to his Irish colleague the Croatian Government’s measures for economic recovery. The ministers also discussed the further enhancement of tourism cooperation, in light of the growing interest among the Irish tourists in visiting Croatia.

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