Minister Gordan Jandroković met in Sarajevo with Vrhbosna Archbishop, Cardinal Vinko Puljić, and Minister Provincial of Holy Cross Province, Fr. Lovro Gavran

The collocutors exchanged opinions about the position of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the return of Croats to BH, and the two countries’ overall relations. Minister Jandroković pointed out and commended the role of the Catholic Church and the Cardinal’s personal contribution to the preservation of the existence of the Croats in BH

The collocutors exchanged opinions about the position of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the return of Croats to BH, and the two countries’ overall relations. Minister Jandroković pointed out and commended the role of the Catholic Church and the Cardinal’s personal contribution to the preservation of the existence of the Croats in BH.

He pointed out that Croatia is persistently advocating intensive and all-encompassing relations with BH, in the spirit of good-neighbourliness, friendship and a joint European future. Croatia also supports the reform processes and strengthening of the state institutions in BH to the end of joining the EU and NATO as a guarantee for the future and wholeness of BH, and in that regard it supports the efforts of the High Representative.

Minister Jandroković said that, following its constitutional obligation, Croatia is continually caring for the Croats in BH, conducting various assistance programs aimed at creating economic and social preconditions for the stay of Croats in BH and the sustainable return of those who wish to do so. These programs include the reconstruction of the family houses damaged or destroyed in the war, reconstruction of communal and social infrastructure, financing educational, cultural, health and scientific projects of the BH Croats, scholarships for the BH high-school and university students getting their education in Croatia, financing the University of Mostar and the building of its campus, which is one of the capital projects, and paying off the pension difference to the Croatian Defence Council members. Furthermore, Croatia supports the holding of the Week of Solidarity and Unity with the Church and the BH People, organized by the Croatian and BH Bishops’ Conference.

The meeting also discussed the process of Croats’ return to BH and the Croatian Government’s activities directed at strengthening the bilateral cooperation with BH so as to complete the return as soon as possible. It was also pointed out that the return of Croats to certain areas of BH, namely Republika Srpska, is not unfolding at a satisfactory rate, and that all sides need to intensify their engagement to that end.

Talking about the constitutional changes in BH, the collocutors pointed out that they expect the continuation of the discussion on the country’s future constitutional organization that should lead to the optimal solution for all three constitutional nations. They expressed their support for those constitutional solutions that would give Croats an equal status with the other two constitutional nations, as well as ensure an efficient protection of vital national interests and equal participation in state institutions and lower-level forms of government.

Minister Jandroković also met in Sarajevo with Minister Provincial of the Province of the Holy Cross, Fr. Lovro Gavran. He said Croatia recognizes the dedication of the Franciscans to survival of the BH Croats and the preservation of their cultural heritage, and thanked the Franciscan Order for their engagement in the implementation of the Croatian Government’s program of sustainable return.

Expressing the willingness to carry on with the cooperation, Minister Jandroković said that the Croatian Government had always provided special support to the BH Franciscans in regard to the preservation of the exceptional cultural and historical heritage of the Catholic people. He also commended the Franciscans’ engagement in charitable and pastoral activities, as well as in the social calling of the Catholic Church, reiterating the Croatian Government’s determination to continue offering assistance to that end.

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