MFEA welcomes pan-Libyan UN-backed political dialogue

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs welcomes the second round of pan-Libyan political dialogue held today in Rabat as well as the Algiers Declaration

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs welcomes the second round of pan-Libyan political dialogue held today in Rabat as well as the Algiers Declaration from 11 March 2015 as an important contribution to the United Nations’ efforts to find a solution for the Libyan crisis.

Given the security and migration impact that the crisis in Libya could have on the wider region, we consider the role of the regional states in this process to be crucial.

We still hold that the only way out of the Libyan crisis is a political solution, through continuing the all-inclusive national dialogue under the UN auspices and backed by UNSMIL, which should lead to ceasefire and reconciliation among the warring parties in order to form a national unity government as soon as possible. We would also like to underline the Ministry’s full support for the efforts of the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative Bernardino León.

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