MFEA dismisses Vučić’s justification of 1990s armed rebellion

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs finds completely unacceptable yesterday’s statement by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, justifying the armed rebellion of local Serbs against Croatia’s authorities in the early 1990s

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs finds completely unacceptable yesterday’s statement by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, justifying the armed rebellion of local Serbs against Croatia’s authorities in the early 1990s.

The Republic of Croatia rejects any attempt of relativizing Serbia’s responsibility for the armed conflict and aggression against Croatia’s state territory, which were the results of the Great Serbia policy of Slobodan Milošević.

This is evidenced by the numerous resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly, ICTY verdicts, as well as the judgement of the International Court of Justice in the case of Croatia's genocide lawsuit against Serbia and Serbia's counter-suit.

It is precisely such meddling in the internal affairs of a neighbouring country that distinguished between the policies led by Serbia and Croatia. As opposed to such Serbia’s interferences, Croatia is interested in the stability of its neighbourhood and is open to transfer its own experiences during the neighbouring countries’ EU journey. We will not allow disrespect for the fact that Croatia is a sovereign and independent country, created following the democratically expressed will of its people and defended during the imposed war, a country that wants to developing harmonious good-neighbourly relations with all its neighbours.

The Republic of Croatia guarantees the highest level of protection of minority rights and is building a tolerant and inclusive society based on the rule of law and trust among citizens. Instead of manipulating the facts, Croatia calls on Serbia to improve the status of the Croat national minority in the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the obligations it has assumed, and to scrap the rhetoric aimed at reviving defeated projects that harms the relations between the two neighbouring countries.


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