MFEA Diplomatic Academy and Croatian UN Association, under auspices of US Embassy to Croatia, launched specialist three-month educational programme UN Academy

The programme, held for the third year in a row, was opened with addresses by Vice-President of the Croatian UN Association Ana Brnčić, Diplomatic Academy Director Mladen Andrlić and Counsellor for Cultural Affairs at the US Embassy Sita Sonty

The programme, held for the third year in a row, was opened with addresses by Vice-President of the Croatian UN Association Ana Brnčić, Diplomatic Academy Director Mladen Andrlić and Counsellor for Cultural Affairs at the US Embassy Sita Sonty. The first lecture entitled “Introduction to the UN System” was delivered by Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović.

Through a series of 12 lectures, the 26 attendees, selected among more than 200 applicants, will be familiarized with basic information about the system and functioning of the UN, the decision-making process, the role of the UN in solving global issues, as well as the relations between the UN, other international organizations and the members’ governments. The programme includes a general part, offering insight into the structure and bodies of the UN, and a special series of lectures dealing with a topical subject, which this year is “UN and the international financial system”.

Lecturers include leading Croatian experts on international relations with a rich experience in working with the UN from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, other state administration bodies, the academic community and international organizations in Croatia.

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