MFAEI sends protest note to Italian Republic

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia sent a protest note to the Italian Republic today, expressing strong disapproval and deep dissatisfaction over yesterday’s publishing of a post stamp by the Italian Post Office with pictures of the City of Rijeka, reading “Rijeka - Eastern Land that Was Italian” (Fiume - terra orientale gia' italiana)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Croatia sent a protest note to the Italian Republic today, expressing strong disapproval and deep dissatisfaction over yesterday’s publishing of a post stamp by the Italian Post Office with pictures of the City of Rijeka, reading "Rijeka - Eastern Land that Was Italian" (Fiume - terra orientale gia' italiana).

In October 2007, after learning about the intention to publish said stamp, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration immediately pointed out the unacceptability of such an act, which led to the Italian relevant bodies’ giving up on the public presentation and publishing of said stamp. Pursuant to that, reads the note, it is surprising that the stamp still saw the light of day, despite Croatia’s position on that being an inappropriate act on Italy’s part, running contrary to the spirit of friendship and good-neighbourliness.

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is called upon to inform once again the relevant bodies about Croatia’s position and take appropriate measures to prevent further distribution of said stamp.

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