MFAEI’s reaction to articles on Dual Citizenship Agreement between Croatia and BH

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, regarding the articles that have sporadically appeared in a part of the Croatian media on the Dual Citizenship Agreement between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, wishes to state the following

The Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina have worked out and initialled the text of the Dual Citizenship Agreement, which is expected to be signed soon. The Agreement was drawn up because of BH constitutional provision, pursuant to the Dayton Agreement, stipulating that BH citizens 2012 will no longer be allowed to hold dual citizenship, but will have to decide which citizenship they will keep, unless BH signed a bilateral agreement with that country, which is exactly the agreement Croatia and BH are ready to sign.

The Dual Citizenship Agreement between Croatia and BH states that BH citizens can also hold Croatian citizenship and vice versa. The Agreement will in no way change the conditions for obtaining Croatian or BH citizenship. Therefore, after the Agreement is signed, the Croatian Citizenship Act will remain to be binding – Croats from BH will as before be able to obtain Croatian citizenship on the grounds prescribed by the Croatian Law, without losing the BH citizenship.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has already signed such agreements with Serbia and Montenegro, and the Kingdom of Sweden.

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