MFAEI minister met with Ukrainian president, deputy prime minister, Verkhovna Rada speaker, and foreign minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met on 16 December 2005 in Kiev, during her official visit to Ukraine, with Ukrainian President Viktor Jushchenko, Deputy Prime Minister Vyacheslav Kyrylenko, Verkhovna Rada Speaker Volodimir Litvin, and Foreign Minister Boris Tarasjuk

Minister Grabar-Kitarović and President Jushchenko pointed out that the two countries have friendly relations with no outstanding issues, but that that there is room for improvement and enhancement of the co-operation, especially in the field of economy. Several concrete areas of co-operation were discussed – energetics, transport, and military-technical co-operation. Minister Grabar-Kitarović announced the visit by Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and a group of Croatian businessmen with the aim of enhancing the economic co-operation between the two friendly countries.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović and Deputy Prime Minister Kyrylenko discussed co-operation in concrete economic areas – mechanical engineering, metallurgy, energetic, agriculture, and food industry – in which the two countries can further develop their future co-operation. Deputy Prime Minister Kyrylenko showed interest in Ukraine being a member country at the Zagreb Fair, adding that they are following with interest the processes in Croatia, not only in the field of European integration, but science, culture, and education as well.

Verkhovna Rada Speaker Litvin informed Minister Grabar-Kitarović with the current political situation in Ukraine, while the Minister explained in detail and presented Croatia’s achievements and activities in the EU accession process. Minister Grabar-Kitarović proposed the exchange of practical experience and knowledge gained in that process. In that regard, the two discussed the visits by the Ukrainian parliamentary and government’s delegations to the Republic of Croatia.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović and Foreign Minister Tarasjuk confirmed the existence of very good bilateral relations between the two countries and expressed hope for their further development. Minister Grabar-Kitarović presented in detail the way in which the negotiations structure was set up in Croatia and the progress of establishing the institutions within the state administration in charge of Croatia’s EU accession process. Minister Tarasjuk expressed his satisfaction with the way Croatia has set up its structures for conducting the EU accession process and with the speedy progress in that regard.

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