MFAEI hands protest note to Serbian Embassy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration handed 24 July 2008 a protest note to the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia regarding the Serbian Government’s Decree on the Amendments to the Decree on the Protection of the Property of the Parts of Companies Headquartered in Ex-SFRY Republics, calling for the cancellation of the implementation of said Decree

The Ministry invited the Embassy’s chargé d’affaires, expressing him the protest and handing him the protest note.

The Ministry also communicated the Croatian side’s opinions on the legal effects of said Decree.

It was pointed out that the Republic of Croatia considers it unacceptable that after the signing and coming into effect of the Succession Agreement, regulations are being passed preventing its implementation, especially its Annex G.

In that regard, the Ministry invited the Republic of Serbia, in the expectation of the solution to the remaining legal and property issues between the ex-SFRY succession countries, and based on the principles from the Succession Agreement, to refrain from acts impeding the final solution to said issue.

The Republic of Serbia was also asked to stop the implementation of the Decree on the Protection of the Property of the Parts of Companies Headquartered in Ex-SFRY Republics.

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