MFAEI expresses dissatisfaction with handing of award to successors of Chetnik movement leader Mihailović

The Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration received with disappointment the news about the relevant U. S. institutions handing Harry Truman’s award to the successors of Chetnik movement leader Dragoljub Draža Mihailović

To our knowledge, President Harry Truman posthumously listed Dragoljub Mihailović to receive the Legion of Merit award in 1948 for saving the lives of American pilots in WW2. Until now, the award has been kept in the U. S. National Archive.

It is with regret that we must conclude that the handing of the award coincides with the marking of the 60th anniversary of victory over fascism. It is hard to understand that the American side is uninformed about the historical facts that unmistakably speak about the role and character of Draža Mihailović and the Chetnik movement in these areas. The Chetnik movement had nothing to do with the antifascist struggle, but rather took advantage of the war period to commit numerous atrocities against Croats and other nations in the region, especially antifascists. The saving of the lives of dozens of American pilots cannot assuage its historical responsibility for the atrocities committed in the name of Chetnik ideology.

The Croatian side is surprised by this decision and rejects this act all the more so because of the atrocities committed in the name of Draža Mihailović against civilians and others during the 90s aggression against Croatia and the neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Republic of Croatia has been trying to warn the U. S. about this in various ways, including diplomatic activities.

Despite the “non-political” character of the handing of the award, we must point out the unavoidable political consequences. This act does not contribute to Croatia’s efforts to build co-operation and good neighbourly relations, based on democratic and European values that also include antifascism.

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